Monday, November 26, 2007

Justin at Playground

Justin riding his bicycle


Justin's top 2 favourite, MINI Cooper and Hummer...

It was a place of heaven for Justin at the San Francisco Auto Show. Uncle C and Auntie M took Mommy and Justin to see the car show. It was a paradise, seeing so many nice cars in one place. At the end of the day, everybody was exhausted...from chasing Justin around or holding him...^^" Sorry Uncle C and Auntie M. Now we know it's a 10 men job to take Justin to a car show.

Check out all these nice looking cars....

Thanksgiving Party

Thanksgiving Party and Uncle C and Auntie M's sweet home. Also holiday gathering / Poker night at Uncle Mini and Auntie S's lovely home, along with Auntie S's delicious homemade buffet.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ordinary day

Just hanging out at my buddy Ryan's house.

I am trying out my new outfit for school.