Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat

Justin's school had the kids all dressed up as 101 Dalmations. The teachers helped them paint their white shirts and painted their face. At night, Justin turned into the stinky skunk again...^^

Auntie Michelle dressed up as the French maid...

Aaron dressed up as the Devil, and Ryan dressed up as the Lion.

We all went to Uncle Ben's community to trick or treat. Initially I would be the first one to wait by the door and grab some candies. But when I saw someone reached into a skeleton head to open up to give us candy, I was so frightened. Wahhhhh....after that, I just wanted to go home... By then all of our buckets were full of candies anyways...But Aaron and Ryan were very brave, they even touched the skeleton head....(oh my)
By the way, the little red hot pepper is Aaron's baby sister, Kaitlyn. She is less than 2 months and she is already out trick or treating with us~