Thursday, January 18, 2007

Having fun with Claire

Skiing at Grouse Mountain

We were really excited to be able to go skiing but it was sooooo foggy and snowing really hard. The visibility was nearly zero. Though it was really scary to ski without seeing anything, it was still a lot of fun.

Hanging out with Aaron

We were having dinner at Black Angus and I enjoyed eating the mashed potatoes. But our parents took so long eating so we both got really bored and wanted to get off seats and play!!

Visit from Mommy's friends

Auntie Yi-Chuan, Uncle Aaron and Auntie Carol were in San Jose to see me. They were just in time to see my new haircut!! I had so much fun that night hanging out with them.

Playing with new toys

Shhh....don't tell Claire that I am playing with her new toy Princess Kitchen. Heehee.

This is the gift from my God Father, it's a racing car~~

Hanging out at Home

Justin relaxing at home hanging out with cousin Claire and God Mother, Jackie.

Ice Skating at Sunset

We were all ice skating at the Sunset ice rink in Vancouver. Henry's family, James' family and us (Mommy & Daddy) were having fun. But Justin had to stay home with grandparents because he was still sick. The place was crowded though since it was during the Christmas holidays.

Dimsum in Richmond

Auntie Doris with her two children, Sabrina and Sanford having fun with Justin and Uncle Robert. We were having dimsum at Richmond. Bad service but good food.

Vancouver Xmas

We are at the Oakridge Mall in Vancouver, Canada. This is Justin's second visit to Vancouver, and his very first Christmas in Vancouver. But he was coming down with a cold and please excuse him if he doesn't look too energetic.